Press Releases | Reviews | Events
April 15, 2008
ESD Unveils StreamBlade™ 5600 FPGA-Based Processing Platform
Dec 14, 2007
ESD StreamBlade SOE-4 is included in: "The EDN Hot 100 Products of 2007"
July 19, 2007
ESD Unveils StreamBlade MiniFX FPGA Board
June 26, 2007
ESD Unveils StreamBlade FPGA PCI Board
December 2006
Personal Perspective: The Network Is the Real-Time Processing System.
November 2, 2006
ESD Receives 2007 Partnership for Workforce Quality Grant
October 16, 2006
ESD Names Robert Richardson Chief Financial Officer
February 27, 2006
Embedded Systems Design, Inc. Celebrates 10 Years

Software Defined Radio (SDR):
ESD has significant expertise in the management and development of SDR systems.
Range Extension:
ESD has unique experience with range extension through interference mitigation with multi-sensor adaptive beam forming technologies.
Data Distribution:
ESD has extensive experience with the distribution and processing of real-time streaming data.
Hardware and FPGA:
ESD has experience with multi-layer printed circuit board design, FPGA design, CPLD design, million-plus gate ASIC design, and system-on-chip (SoC) architecture including SoFPGA.